To truly understand the performance of spaces we occupy, we need to listen to what they’re telling us, and in many cases, simple monitoring is missing this opportunity.

Built Environment Performance Analytics (BEPA) is a suite of tools created to help you both understand the complex and nuanced interrelationships within our built environment and then use that insight to improve it.


Unlocking the true value of data with actionable insights

BEPA is designed to empower users to address some of the most complex and pressing challenges in the built environment today; sustainability, air quality, working environment optimisation, and building fabric performance.

The Tools

The first tools available in the BEPA suite are Air Change Performance Analytics (ACPA) and Thermal Performance Analytics (TPA).

ACPA – Using the power of data to understand the air change performance of a space 

Ventilation is an essential component in removing pollutants from the indoor environment, yet we often have little understanding of the ventilation performance.

ACPA helps you to understand the performance of a space from an air movement perspective, that is showing how long it would typically take for the air in a space to be completely replaced.

By considering the complex interrelationships of factors affecting outcomes, it builds a picture of the space that enables users to identify gaps between the current and optimal conditions in a room, empowering them to identify likely measures or interventions that are required for a healthier and more comfortable space

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TPA – Using data to understand the heating and cooling performance in a space, minimising unnecessary energy loss

In most spaces the control of heating and cooling is based on simple timing and thermostatic control. However, the heating and cooling efficiencies of a building are driven by a complex interplay of factors.

Thermal Performance Analytics, as with the other tools in the BEPA suite, analyses a range of relevant data sources to empower users with practical, actionable insights. Specifically, TPA allows users to not only minimise unnecessary energy loss and drive down costs but also improve the comfort and wellbeing of building occupants.

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Smart Room Scheduling

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